*For a FREE, ZERO OBLIGATION home buyer packet emailed or mailed to you (or dropped off), email me at elliscountyareahomes@gmail.com*

So you are ready to purchase a home…but WHERE do you start? Well, fortunately, you do not have to forgo this complicated process alone.

Once you reach out to me, I will get you through the entire process.

Step 1: Phone call/text/email/direct message. I don’t really care how you contact me,just do it. This is step 1.


Step 2: We schedule a “Buyers Consultaion”. This could be over the phone, on zoom or in person. We can be flexible according your lifestyle and needs.

*At this home-buying consultation, we will go over the entire process of buying a home. Financial considerations, previewing homes, submitting offers, and the contract-to-close process.

Step 3. You speak with a lender to understand the financing side and your budget.

Step 4. We select and preview properties.

Step 5. We submit an offer, go under contract, and on our way to the closing table.

What to Expect, The Home Buying Process and Things to Know

Click the link below to download.
