What is “The Home Appraisal” in a Real Estate Transaction?
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What is “The Home Appraisal” in a Real Estate Transaction?

In the exciting journey of homeownership, you might come across the term “home appraisal” – a crucial step in the real estate process that often raises questions. No worries as I’m here to shed light on what a home appraisal is and why it holds significance in your home-buying adventure. What is a Home Appraisal?…

What is the “Inspection Report” when Purchasing a Home?

What is the “Inspection Report” when Purchasing a Home?

So, you’ve found the home of your dreams, and the journey to homeownership is in full swing. One crucial step in this process is the inspection report – a document that can be your best friend when it comes to understanding the true condition of your potential new abode. Let’s break it down and explore…

When is Your Option and Earnest Money Due?

When is Your Option and Earnest Money Due?

“The Clock is Ticking: Understanding Option and Earnest Money Deadlines After an Executed Contract” So, you’ve successfully navigated the negotiations, all parties have agreed on the terms, and the real estate contract is officially executed. Now, it’s time to dive into the nitty-gritty details, and two critical players in this game are the option and…

Curb appeal before and after
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🏡 7 Simple Steps to Maximize Opportunity with Curb Appeal

Love at first sight 😍, IS a real thing. When you are selling your house the goal is to “sell” the house, right?. So think about how important that very first impression is. Whether it is the cover photo online or the manicured front walkway with the sign in the yard, you WANT to grab…

Down Payment for First-Time Home Buyers, How Much Do You Need?
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Down Payment for First-Time Home Buyers, How Much Do You Need?

Every wonder how money you really need to purchase a home? The truth is, it depends. Here’s a good educational article from bankrate.com that helps to break it down. Average down payment for first-time homebuyers: How much is it and how can you lower it? I did not write this article, article posted by bankrate.com